October 26, 2014

Yeast~Candida~Candidiasis Symptoms

Posted in INFECTIONS - FUNGAL, PARASITES, THE AMERICAN PARASITE tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 6:34 pm by PCOSLady


NOTE:   Pictures are on the site above…

Symptoms of Candida and Candidiasis

“As long as there is breath in my body I will never ever cease to be a seeker after truth.”

TRUTH:  If left untreated YEAST will shut your organs down and kill you!   It almost happened to a good friend of mine!

Candida is a type of fungus (yeast) which exists in the body. In a healthy body, it doesn`t cause any problems, but when an overgrowth occurs, it can result in a condition called candidiasis. Candidiasis can lead to many conditions in the body such as thrush, abdominal bloating, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).


Candidiasis is basically a twentieth century disease, resulting from medical developments like antibiotics, birth control pills, ulcer medications, and estrogen replacement therapy (HRT). And it can be triggered at a very young age, when children are first being treated with antibiotics (ear and throat infections).

Candidiasis is a fungal infection that is caused by a yeast known as Candida albicans.

This fungus is usually present in the mouth, throat, gastrointestinal tract and the genital region. It can also be present on the skin. Under normal circumstances, the fungus does not pose any risk to the body because the number of the fungus is kept under control by other bacteria. However, when the fungus multiplies, that is when candidiasis sets in.Candidiasis usually is seen to develop in people with compromised immune system. If the infection is not treated, it can become quite serious. Candidiasis can develop in the blood, and from there it can affect different organs of the body, including the brain.


Although widespread, candidiasis, or yeast overgrowth, is generally overlooked by the medical establishment because it’s symptoms so closely mimic those of other conditions. Alternative physicians, however, recognize the seriousness of candidiasis, and where conventional medicine has often been ineffective in treating candidiasis, various alternative methods offer much hope for success.

Everyone has candida, a form of yeast ( Candida Albicans ), normally confined to the lower bowels, vagina and the skin. In healthy individuals with strong, functioning immune systems, it is harmless and kept in check by “good” bacteria, called Bifidobacteria and Acidophilus. But if the balance of the intestinal environment is altered by a compromised immune system or other factors, then opportunistic candida proliferates, infecting other body tissues. The candida becomes pathyogenic, transforming from a simple yeast into an aggressive ( mycelial ) fungus that can severely compromise one’s health. This condition is known as “candidiasis”.

According to James Braley, MD, medical director of Immuno Labs, Inc., in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the fungal form of candida appears to permeate the gastro intestinal mucosal lining and breaks down barriers to the blood stream. ” When the fungal form of the candida occurs in the body, allergic substances can penetrate into the blood more easily, where they form immense complexes, and even promote food allergy reactions, ” Dr Braley says. Since their symptoms are often interrelated, he emphasizes that candidiasis should usually be treated together with food allergies.

Candida Symptoms

  • Frequent stomach pains and digestion problems
    • Skin problems (skin infections, eczema, psoriasis, acne)
    • Foggy brain / Trouble concentrating
    • Constant tiredness and exhaustion
    • Anxiety
    • Mood swings
    • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
    • Anger outbursts
    • Irritability
    • Headaches
    • Intense cravings for sugars, sweets, and breads
    • Itchy skin

Just having one or two of the symptoms listed above does not necessarily mean you have Candidiasis, but having several of these could be sign of a Candida overgrowth or food allergy, which has similar symptoms.

Candida is the most dangerous of all the germs that can take over your intestinal tract after being treated with Antibiotics,Cipro or doxycycline.

It is a member of the vegetable family. It is a cousin to “molds”. Yeasts are among the oldest living life forms on earth. They are a single celled life form containing no chlorophyll. There are many different types of yeast. Yeasts are common on plant leaves and flowers, on the surfaces of skin and the intestinal tract of animals. The type of yeast that we use to make bread or brew alcoholic beverages is different then Candida. These are thought as food yeasts. Candida is not a food yeast. It is not allowed to be used in the making bread or beer etc. Candida is thought of as pathogenic yeast. Pathogenic means that it can cause disease.

Candida is referred to as “dimorphic”, which means it can exist or live in 2 different states or forms. As”yeast” it is a single cell plant life. It has a large, round, thick spore that is shaped like a chicken egg. It is asexual, which means it does not need a mate to reproduce. It reproduces by “budding” or growing buds. Do you recall seeing buds forming on the branches of trees or plants? Candida looks similar. As it grows it resembles a bunch of grapes. As it spreads it grows more branches, which then “buds” more bunches of “grapes”. This is the way Candida appears in its other form or state, which is “fungal”. Here it looks like lots of little beads strung together by threads. Just like there are safe yeasts, there are safe fungus. Mushrooms are an example of a fungus, which does not produce disease. Eating mushrooms will not cause candida.

Candida eats sugars and some fats that way animals do. This is how it feeds. Candida loves the dark, warm and moist environment of the intestines. It attaches itself to the intestinal wall and when it is in the fungal form tries to bury itself deep into your intestinal lining. It grows roots (like a weed) digging into the lining of your intestinal tract looking for food. When it does this it produces infections and illness in your body.

Candida is the most dangerous of all the germs that can take over your  intestinal tract after being treated with Antibiotics, Cipro or doxycycline.

Candida albicans is a dimorphic organism. This means that under normal conditions it is a sugar fermenting budding yeast. In acidic pH or when our immune system is weakened, it shifts into its fungal form and becomes pathogenic (disease causing, harmful). This condition is known as candidiasis. Candida overgrowth then sets off a cycle that leads to the further weakening of the body’s defenses, which in turn allows candida to spread even further.

When the protection of the useful microbes and that of the intestinal lining is impaired, proliferation of harmful organisms starts (dysbiosis). Candida transforms itself from a harmless yeast form to a pathogenic fungal form, a condition called candidiasis. Antibiotics contribute to this state twofold. They kill or suppress many of the useful bacteria in the intestines (together with the bacteria they were supposed to kill elsewhere in the body) and also serve as growth promoting factors for candida.

Dangers of uncontrolled candida growth
When Candida growth becomes uncontrolled the following happens: First, fungal metabolites and/or toxins interfere with the functioning of nutrient-uptake and their transfer into the bloodstream. Then the fungus grows long stringy structures (rhizoids) that can penetrate the upper cell layer of the intestinal wall causing symptoms very similar to those of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Leaky Gut Syndrome
Over time, the rhizoids can penetrate the gut wall and make it inflamed and porous causing Leaky Gut Syndrome. The damage to the gut from candida comes both from impaired biochemical processes in cells of the intestinal lining and the physical damage caused by the spread of the rhizoids. In the next step the rhizoids break down the barrier between the intestine and the circulatory system in which case candida can enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body (Systemic candida). Candida can invade virtually any organ or part of the body where the defenses (physical and immunological) are weakened.

Leaky Gut Syndrome is thought to be the underlying cause of bowel disorders and very likely the stage of candidiasis that contributes substantially to food intolerances, environmental sensitivities, allergies and asthma. Source     http://www.ninazu.com/whatis.html


Candidiasis Symptoms in Men
Candida yeast infection in men can be regarded to be asymptomatic, as it rarely cause physical signs, when compared with female yeast infection. But when symptoms do occur, they include irritation and inflammation of the area in the head of the penis, which may be accompanied by soreness and itchiness. Reddening of genitals and small blisters, may also occur in the same area. White discharge, lesions, and burning sensation are some other symptoms of genital candidiasis in men which may also be the other male yeast infection symptoms.

Candidiasis can affect areas of the body far removed from candida colonizations in the gastro intestinal tract and vagina. It’s symptoms cover a broad spectrum and the condition can cause a number of diseases ranging from allergies, vaginitis, and thrush ( that is a whitish fungus in the mouth or vagina ), to an invasion of the genital-urinary tract, eyes, liver, heart, or central nervous system. At it’s most destructive, candidiasis is involved in autoimmune diseases such as; Addison’s disease and Aids. Other symptoms of candidiasis, according to Dr Braley, include digestive problems such as bloating, cramping, gas and diarrhea, respiratory problems, coughing, wheezing, earaches, central nervous system imbalances, generalized fatigue, and loss of libido.

Symptoms of Candidiasis

There is a wide array of candidiasis symptoms depending on individual age, sex, environmental exposures, and immune systems. These include, but are not limited to:

Chronic fatigue, especially after eating
Gastro Intestinal problems such as: bloating, gas, intestinal cramps, chronic diarrhea, constipation, or heartburn
Rectal itching
Allergies ( including both food and airborn )
Severe pre-menstrual syndrome
Memory loss, severe mood swings, and feeling mentally ” disturbed “.
Recurrent fungal infections such as ” jock itch “, athelete’s foot, or ringworm
Extreme sensitivity to chemicals, perfumes, smoke, or other odors
Recurrent vaginal or urinary infections
A feeling of being light headed or drunk after minimal wine, beer, or certain foods
These symptoms worsen in moldy places such as basements or in damp climates, and after eating or drinking yeast or foods containing sugar.

Causes of Candidiasis

Since many of it’s symptoms are shared with other conditions, candidiasis must be diagnosed by examining predisposing factors in a thoughrough personal medical history. Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O., of London England, decribes the likely candidate for candida overgrowth as someone whose medical history includes:
Steroid hormone medication such as cortisone, or corticosteroids, often prescribed for skin conditions such as rashes, eczema, or psoriasis; prolonged or repeated use of antibiotics which are frequently given for urinary and ear infections, sinusitis, bronchitis, and other infections; ulcer medications such as “Tagamet” and “Zantac” or oral contraceptives. Certain illnesses such as diabetes, cancer, and aids can also increase susceptibility to candida overgrowth.


Many women get vaginal candidiasis, which causes a thick white discharge accompanied with itching and burning sensation. The infection can also develop in the mouth in the form of white ulcers on the tongue, gums and insides of the cheek.

Both men and women are susceptible to candidiasis. Breastfeeding mothers can pass on the infection to babies through breast milk.It is very rare for the infection to pass through sexual contact.


As Leyardia Black, ND, of Lopez Island, Washington, points out, ” Candidiasis is basically a twentieth century disease, a disease resulting from medical developments like antibiotics, birth control pills, and estrogen replacement therapy. It can be triggered at a very young age, when children are first being treated with antibiotics.” DR. Chaitow agrees, ” Fully thirty five percent of women using birth control pills have associated causes of acute vaginal candidiasis, and there are undoubtedly many others who have less pronouced evidence of yeast overgrowth as immune competence is gradually compromised by the hormonal onslaught.”

Murray Susser, MD, of Santa Monica, California, points out that since yeast infections enter the body easily through the vagina, and yeast festers in estrogen, women of child-bearing age are more vulnerable to candidiasis. Also, women who have been pregnant are susceptible, since hormonal changes encourage candida overgrowth. When men develop candidiasis, antibiotics, high sugar intake, or immune suppression from illness, toxins, and stress, are usually the root cause.

Frequently, candidiasis is caused by a combination of factors. As Dr.Chaitow explains, ” All too often more than one influence is operating. Over a few years, a patient may have had several series of antibiotics for a variety of conditions while using steroids as well, perhaps in the form of the contraceptive pill. If the patient, most commonly a young woman, also happens to be living on a diet which is rich in sugars, then the candida is very likely to have spread beyond it’s usual borders into new territory.”

Taking antibiotics or steroids for a long period of time or having a weakened immune system can lead to candidiasis. Even those suffering from diabetes or having iron deficiency are prone to this infection.


As Dr. Chaitow points out, when the immune system is completely suppressed, as in Aids, yeast proliferates freely and colonizes the body and blood stream, leading to septicemia (blood poisoning). In less drastic but more prevalent cases, the immune system is temporarily suppressed and T-helper cells (lymphocytes which pass into the blood stream to help fight infection) are destroyed. Such immune suppression can be due to any number of factors, such as poor diet including ingestion of pesticides and preservatives, alcohol use, chemotherapy, radiation, exposure to enviromental toxins, antibiotics which injure or destroy the T-cells, and stress. Consequently, conditions are created for opportunistic infections and yeast to grow.

Parasites Fungi? Not Me!


According to Dr. Sausser, antibiotics may be the single greatest cause of candidiasis, because antibiotic treatment for infections is non desriminatory, killing the “good ” intestinal chemistry-balancing bacteria, as well as the ” bad ” infection-causing bacteria. Both acidophilus and bifidobacteria produce natural antifungal substances as well as antibacterial materials as part of their control mechanism over yeast. One of the activities of the good bacteria is the manufacture of a B vitamin, biotin, which exerts control over yeast. When biotin is lacking, as a result of damage by antibiotics to acidophilus, bifidobacteria, and the microflora ecology, yeast has a chance to change from it’s simple yeast form into a different organism, an encroaching mycelial ( vegetative ) fungus.

Antibiotics can cause the altered inbalanced intestinal environment that candida requires to change into it’s mycelial form. Dr. Chaitow explains, ” Candida puts down minute rootlets which penetrate the tissues on which the yeast is growing. When this happens to be the inner wall of the intestines, it breaks down the barrier which exists between the closed world of the bowel and the body. Toxic debris, yeast waste products, and partially digested proteins are allowed into the blood stream, resulting in allergic and toxic reations.”

Healthy bifidobacteria and acidophilus intestinal colonies can usually withstand one or two short episodes of antibiotics without serious harm. If, however, use of antibiotics is frequent or prolonged as with a course for acne treatment or an infection, then the spread of candida becomes inevitable. ” A vicious cycle may develop as a result, antibiotics alter the balance of intestinal flora and suppress the immune system. An individual with suppressed immune function is much more susceptible, not only to candidiasis but to bacterial infections, which are then treated with antibiotics, which, in turn, increase the growth of candida and so on,” says Dr. Chaitow.

Image: http://www.chuv.ch/

Researchers at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research’s (A*STAR) Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) have discovered new molecular mechanisms that provide a more detailed understanding of how the normally non-cancerous Dr. Jekyll-like fungus known as Candida albicans transforms into a serious and often life-threatening Mr. Hyde-like form.

  1. albicans can cause serious and potentially life-threatening infections in the mouth, blood and other tissues of people who are undergoing cancer chemotherapy or radiation treatments, or who have developed AIDS or other diseases that damage the immunity of the individual.

In two separate papers published last month in Developmental Cell and in August in the EMBO journal, the team of scientists led by Wang Yue, principal investigator at IMCB, have managed to reveal previously unknown mechanisms which are responsible for causing the infectious phase of C. albicans.

The fungus starts its ‘attack’ on a patient by changing its oval shape into a filamentous form, which has thin, threadlike appendages emerging from the cell body. Wang’s team, who has been studying C. albicans for more than seven years, was responsible for identifying the master “controller” protein called Hgc1 in 20041.

This “controller” functions like a regulator and tells the fungus when to start the transformation from the harmless oval shape to the infectious filamentous form………

Source http://medicineworld.org/cancer/lead/10-2007/how-candida-albicans-transforms.html

Parasites are poisoning You

Treating Candidiasis

Successful treatment of candidiasis first requires the reduction of factors which predispose a patient to candida overgrowth. Secondly, the patient’s immune function must be strengthened. Diet, nutritional supplements, herbal medicine, ayurvedic medicine,Bob Becks protocols,Rife and acupuncture are some of the choices alternative physicians use to accomplish these ends.


Saliva Test:

Try this simple test to see if you have candida. First thing in the morning, before you put ANYTHING in your mouth, get a clear glass. Fill with water and work up a bit of saliva, then spit it into the glass of water. Check the water every 15 minutes or so for up to one hour. If you have a candida yeast infection, you will see strings (like legs) traveling down into the water from the saliva floating on the top, or “cloudy” saliva will sink to the bottom of the glass, or cloudy specks will seem to be suspended in the water. If there are no strings and the saliva is still floating after at least one hour, you are probably candida yeast free.

Diet :
In order to overcome candidiasis, sugar must be avoided in all it’s various forms. These include : sucrose, dextrose, fructose, fruit juices, honey, maple syrup, molasses, milk products (which contains lactose), most fruit (except berries), and potatoes (whose starch converts into sugar). Dr Black says, ” In treating candida, my basic dietary taboos are sweets, alcohol, and refined carbo-hydrates.” Many candidiasis sufferers also have allergies and sensitivity to various foods. Although candida albicans yeast is not synonymous to yeast in foods, such as bread, a cross-reaction between the food yeast and candida frequently occurs. As a result, foods containing or promoting yeast, such as baked goods, alcohol, and vinegar, should be avoided until possible sensivities are clearly diagnosed.


According to Dr Susser, sugar in the diet can greatly contribute to candida overgrowth. When sugar is eaten, intestinal fermentation creates a toxin called Acetaldehyde which affects all of the body’s physiological functions, including digestion and hormonal processes. Yeast thrives on sugar in order to grow, therefore, a high-sugar diet is one of the predisposing factors for candidiasis.


Dr Black states that some of her patients are very sensitive to yeast and do better staying away from yeast containing foods. To test for such sensitivity, she takes patients off all yeast containing foods for a week. Then she adds such foods back in the diet, one at a time. If the symptoms reappear, then clearly yeast containing foods should be avoided. Similarly, Dr Braly employs a rotation diet when he suspects food allergies. On this regiment, patients avoid certain suspected allergic foods and rotate non allergic food every four or more days. They are then later reintroduced to the suspected foods after three to six months to see if symptoms are provoked. Molds are another aspect of candida sensitivity. These include food molds found in cheeses, grapes, mushrooms, and fermented foods, and also environmental molds found in wet climates, in damp basements, in plants and outdoors. Molds and yeast can also exchange forms. Therefore, the ingestable molds of cheeses and fermented foods should be avoided. Avoiding food yeast and molds does not attack the candida yeast itself, but is an attempt to ease stress on the immune system caused by substances that can trigger allergies.


I had my blood analyzed by a dark field microscope after getting rid of the CFIDS virus with 2 months of blood electrification and Magnetic Pulsing. The doctor was practically shocked as to how healthy my blood looked. It shouldn’t of looked good after being sick 16 years but it did. He said he could make a poster of it to show all hiw clients and say “this is what your blood should look like”.

19jaguar57 Says: February 25th, 2010 at 8:31 pm


Dr Susser also advises patients to avoid yogurt because of it’s high sugar content, despite it’s high concentration of lacto-bacilli, which suppresses “bad” bacteria and keeps other organisms under control. He finds that freeze-dried acidophilus supplements in capsule form are more effective in combating bacteria than even unsweetened raw yogurt. Candida growth can also be fostered in the diet through consumption of meat, dairy, and poultry products due to the heavy use of antibiotics. Traces of antibiotics given to dairy cows can later show up in milk. Meat eaters should make sure that meat is free of antibiotic contamination. Organic (hormone and antibiotic free) meat and poultry should be consumed whenever possible. For candidiasis patients, sea food (free of mercury toxins) and vegatable protein are preferable since they are not only antibiotic free, but lower in fat. According to Dr Chaitow, both bifido-bacteria and acidophilus should be supplemented during candidiasis treatment to help repopulate the bowel, and for antifungal activity. This “good” bacteria supplementation is called “Pro-biotics”. Dr Chaitow also recommends that other pro-biotic products such as lactobacillus vulgaricus, be used to assist the colonizing activities of bifido-bacteria and acidophilus.


Candidiasis patients should also stay away from all alcohol since it is composed of fermented and refined sugar. It is also more toxic than sugar and feeds yeast. According to Dr Susser, alcohol suppresses the immune system, disturbs the whole adrenal axis, and you can say ampirically that it makes anyone with candida worse.
Some candidiasis sufferers will feel, and appear to be, intoxicated. An unsual symptom of certain people with severe candidiasis is the presence of alcohol in the blood stream even when none has been consumed. First discovered in Japan, and called “drunk disease,” this condition creates strains of candida albicans which turn acetaldehyde (which is the chemical created by sugar and yeast fermentation) into ethanol. This is a process well understood by distillers of homemade brew. These candidiasis patients whose yeast turns sugar into alcohol are chronically drunk. They have developed what is only half-jokingly called “auto-brewery syndrome”.

Old Methods of Diet and Anti-Fungals Don’t Work
According to Dr. Simoncini in Italy, if you use diet and anti-fungals against candida then you cause the candida to burrow deeper into the body away from the intestines in search of simple carbohydrates and away from the anti-fungals. Then the candida infection becomes more invasive and more systemic. Then you can have candida in your liver, kidneys, lungs etc


Colloidal silver provides a three-fold attack on the problems of candida. First, the colloidal silver kills off anaerobic bacteria and virii wherever it comes in contact with them. Therefore, the colloidal silver virtually provides a secondary immune system against all types of disease and infections, while treating the candida. Thus much of the problems of candida are treated immediately, before the candida can be cleaned out of the system. Second, colloidal silver is unusually effective in treating the candida infection itself. And third, colloidal silver has a strange and dynamic way of healing injured and damaged tissues fast. Since yeast infections of all kinds usually attack and consume the living tissue, a healing process is badly needed, and colloidal silver has a very unique way of healing these tissues fast.

Externally users continually report that colloidal silver will cure athlete’s foot, vaginal yeast infections, as well as candida infections of the skin very quickly and then heals the damaged tissues.

What does it mean if someone gets better using these devices but still doesn’t feel totally healthy? It means that he/she has gotten rid of the source of the problem but not the results of the problem. The results may be a congested liver, weakened adrenals, mineral imbalances, low thyroid output, lessened acidophilus count in the intestines, weakened cardiovascular system, kidney stones, gallbladder stones, systemic Candida, hard to kill intestinal bacteria and parasites, and countless other nusances.

“This tripulser 9 is great against candida – the most effective tool I’ve used. I’ve been using it daily for 3 weeks now and it has been doing wonders – I am very grateful to you for your efforts. I’ve had candida for my whole life and been fighting it for around 2 years now so I know how hard it is to kill candida. I’ve tried around 30+ remedies and all have worked to a certain extent but your zapper is certainly the most effective. ”   Neil S London

Alternative physicians and biologists such as Dr. Hulda Clark and Dr. Bob Beck have used electric current stimulation to control parasites and candidas. They postulate that, since every species has its own unique vibration rhythm, it should be possible to destroy a parasite without harming the host, by inducing resonance through electric stimulation. This became the underlying principle for constructing the zapper, a device that generates an electric current of appropriate frequency, “recharges” the human organism and helps to control harmful micro-organisms

Some interesting units to help with Candida

Q Can these devices below help eliminate Candida?
Its well reported Blood electrification can eliminate it from the bloodstream

March 30, 2014

Parasite Truth vs Western(USA) Medicine

Posted in MEDICINE TODAY, PARASITES tagged , , , , , , at 6:58 pm by PCOSLady

PCOS Lady:
Here you see what the truth is vs what the doctors are taught in medical school!
~ ~ ~
Parasite Truth vs Western(USA) Medicine

Parasite ~ Truth

I told my girlfriend:
COPD mucus is mold fungus and bad parasites per http://www.CureZone.com.

Western (USA) Medicine ~ Per Doctor

My girlfriend:
Absolutely negative! It’s a narrowing of the airways and the body protects itself by building mucus from within ones lungs!
COPD parasite
COPD mucus
COPD mucus parasite

December 14, 2013

The American Parasite ~ Yeast

Posted in ASPARTAME, INFECTIONS - FUNGAL, PARASITES, THE AMERICAN PARASITE, WAKE UP FYI tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 6:11 pm by PCOSLady


PCOS Lady:
Yeast we know is in food, we did know yeast was hidden in foods nor that antibiotics promote the growth of yeast…

Try a
~ Yeast cleanse
~ Eating more natural foods
~ Adding a probiotic daily

The video explains everything to you…
~ YOU will see where your good money is being wasted!
~ YOU will realize you are helping make yourself sick, etc…. Yes, government and food industry created!

Antibiotics do leave behind more yeast to grow inside you!
Expired breads, cakes, rolls, etc… has live yeast that will grow in you as well…

There are a few self tests you need to do at home to find out if you suffer from yeast overgrowth… The link is below for you…

* Yeast feeds on refined sugars, preservatives, artificial sweetners *
~ Your cravings start up and increase to feed the yeast beast in your gut!

(Candida Albicans)

Thank you to the National Candida Center

Reviewing the signs and symptoms to determine if you have Candida Albicans yeast infection Overgrowth.

Candida Albicans yeast infection Overgrowth, Candida Overgrowth (CO) symptoms are so numerous and seemingly unrelated that they can be confusing to both doctor and patient. The majority of people who have CO do not realize they have it until they become seriously ill. Why? Because candida yeast not only steals nutrients from the food that you eat, it then poisons the tissues with waste material containing over 75 known toxins. Candida albicans is linked, directly or indirectly, to the following list of conditions and symptoms. A “symptom” is an outward sign that points to a deeper problem.

Review the 80 likely symptoms listed below to see if any apply to you. Give yourself ONE POINT for each of those which you have had persistently (for a month or longer, either currently or at anytime in the past).

Digestive Troubles

~ Bad Breath,
~ Gas/Bloating,
~ Indigestion,
~ Diarrhea,
~ Constipation,
~ Intestinal Pain,
~ Low Blood Sugar,
~ Food / sugar cravings,
~ Mouth or stomach ulcers,
~ Allergies (Air or Food),
~ Food Sensitivities,
~ Heartburn,
~ Dry Mouth,
~ Receding Gums,
~ Hemorrhoids, rectal itch
~ Irritable bowel.


~ Anti-social Behavior,
~ Suicidal Tendencies,
~ Insomnia,
~ Depression,
~ Anxiety, high strung.
~ Irritability.

Skin & Joint Problems

~ Thrush, Diaper Rash,
~ Acne, Skin Rash or Hives,
~ Dry Skin & Itching,
~ Finger, toe or foot Fungus,
~ Athlete’s Foot,
~ Liver Spots,
~ Water Retention,
~ Joint Pain,
~ Muscle Aches,
~ Numbness.


~ Hyperactivity
~ Attention Deficit Disorder,
~ Lack of Impulse Control,

Female Problems

~ Infertility,
~ Vaginal Yeast Infection,
~ Menstrual Problems,
~ PMS Symptoms,
~ Bladder Infections,
~ Endometriosis,
~ No Sex Drive,
~ Hormonal Imbalance,
~ Iron Deficiency.

Mental & Emotional

~ Dizziness,
~ Mental Fogginess, (Confused, spaced-out, blank stares, day dreaming)
~ Inability to Concentrate (Having to re-read the same thing twice)
~ Poor memory (Where are my car keys? or, Why did I come into this room?)
~ Mood Swings,
~ Headaches.

Immune Problems

~ Lethargic/Laziness,
~ Chronic Fatigue,
~ Asthma, Hay Fever,
~ Colds & Flu,
~ Puffy Eyes,
~ Respiratory Problems,
~ Chemical Sensitivity,
~ Epstein Barr Virus,
~ Adrenal/Thyroid Failure,
~ Cold/Shaky,
~ Ear Infections,
~ Chronic sore throat,
~ Post nasal drip,
~ Hair Loss,
~ Stuffed sinus (sinusitis),
~ Overweight,
~ Underweight,
~ Diabetes,
~ Burning Eyes,
~ Premature Aging,
~ Autism

YOUR ADDED SCORE IS _____ (one point per symptom)

0-4 points – Indicates variations of normal living (unless persistent and severe).
5-9 Points – Indicates a Clear Pattern shows likely development of CO dysbiosis.
10 or more – Indicates Strong Pattern and almost certain CO dysbiosis.
VIDEO: The American Parasite
Keybiotics – Ultimate Gut Flora Balance & Immune Support
~ Whole Body research … Keybiotics is a super probiotic containing 37.5 Billion CFUs and 14 unique strains of beneficial bacteria, designed to balance your gut quickly while working to balance your gut to 80 vs 20 balance… http://wholebodyresearch.com/p/keybiotics.html
Quick Print:
National Candida Center
~ National Candida Center…
~ Self Test: http://www.nationalcandidacenter.com/candida-self-exams/ … Spit Test.
The best time to do this test is the first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up. Before you rinse, spit, or put anything in your mouth, go get a glass of water (in a clear glass). Now build up a bunch of saliva (just mouth saliva, do not cough up anything) and spit it into the glass of water. Observe what happens.
My Body Fluids The saliva will float. That is OK and normal. If within 15 minutes you see thin projections extending downward into the water, it is a positive sign for candida. The projections may look like hair, or small strings, like a jelly fish or spider legs, moving down into the water from the saliva floating on the top. Other positive indications might be very “cloudy” saliva that will sink to the bottom of the glass within a few minutes or particles that slowly sink or suspend below the saliva glob. What you are seeing are colonies of yeast which band together to form the strings.
LEAKY GUT ~ CO Dysbiosis
It is estimated that over 30 million people in the U.S, predominantly women, suffer from the multiple effects of an imbalance in the gastrointestinal system.
The gut has three primary functions:
~ Digestion of foods and conversion into vitamins
~ Absorption of nutrients
~ Prevention of toxins and pathogens from entering the body
When the Gut Is Healthy
Approximately 500 species of bacteria, as well as many species of yeast and other organisms, live in the human gastrointestinal tract and make up the “gut flora.” These “friendly” bacteria are vital for good digestion and the health of the intestines in general, and mostly have names beginning with “Lactobacillus” or “Bifidobacteria,” which denotes the class of bacteria they belong to. You may have noticed food products like yogurt and acidophilus milk that contain these bacteria. It is becoming more common for them to be added, just as vitamins and minerals are frequently added to breakfast cereals, for example.
When the gut flora is in a healthy balance it is called “orthobiosis,” which is a term introduced in the early 1900s by the great microbiologist Elie Metchnikoff. When our gut is out of balance we are said to have “dysbiosis.” Metchnikoff thought dysbiosis so concerning that he coined the expression “Death begins in the GUT!”
What Can Go Wrong?
Not all of the hundreds of species of organisms that make up the gut flora are “friendly.” There are also a number of organisms that don’t provide the body with any benefits, or do so only when their numbers are kept low by competing friendly bacteria. Such microorganisms include coliform bacteria (E.coli, etc.), yeasts/fungus, parasites, and bacteroides.
Illness can occur when the amount of friendly bacteria is reduced and the other organisms are able to increase their numbers and become the majority. There are a number of factors that can disrupt the balance of organisms in the intestines and lead to overgrowth of the less desirable species.
The most important factors are:
~ Antibiotic use (abuse)
~ Use of the birth control pill
~ Use of other hormones, especially immunosuppressants like steroids
~ Diet, especially one high in sugar
~ Alcohol
~ Stress
Conditions often caused by dysbiosis include Irritable Bowel Syndrome, acne, food allergies, Chronic Fatigue and depression. But you can help repopulate the good bacteria by eating foods that contain natural, healthy bacterias, including yogurt and acidophilus milk. You also can take an acidophilus supplement and something called Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), which is a plant-based supplement that serves as a “super food” for these good bacteria.
Gut dysbiosis can lead to changes in the lining of the bowel that increases the permeability of the intestine, resulting in leaky gut syndrome.
Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome / Intestinal Permeability
Symptoms include:

abdominal pain ~ asthma ~ chronic joint pain ~ chronic muscle pain ~ confusion ~ fuzzy or foggy thinking ~ gas ~ indigestion ~ mood swings ~ nervousness ~ poor immunity ~ recurrent vaginal infections ~ skin rashes ~ diarrhea ~ bed-wetting ~ recurrent bladder infections ~ poor memory ~ shortness of breath ~ constipation ~ bloating ~ aggressive behavior ~ anxiety ~ poor libido ~ fatigue ~ and just feeling “toxic”.
Leaky gut syndrome is associated with the following conditions:
Bloating and weight gain ~ Chronic fatigue syndrome ~ Celiac disease ~ Crohn’s disease ~ Environmental illness ~ Hives ~ Acne ~ Allergies ~ Inflammatory joint disease / arthritis ~ Intestinal infections ~ Pancreatic insufficiency ~ Ulcerative colitis ~ Giardia ~ Eczema ~ Psoriasis ~ Food allergies and sensitivities ~ Liver dysfunction ~ Rheumatoid arthritis ~ Irritable bowel syndrome
When the natural yeast or fungi found in the body grows out of control, it can result in a condition called Candidiasis, an infection caused by a species of Candida fungi, especially Candida albicans. These fungi are found almost everywhere in the environment, and some may live harmlessly along with the abundant “native” species of bacteria that normally colonize the mouth, gastrointestinal tract and vagina. The growth of Candida is usually controlled by the presence of the native bacteria and by the body’s immune defenses. If the population of native bacteria is decreased, especially by antibiotics, or if the immune defenses are weakened by illness malnutrition, or certain medications (corticosteroids or anticancer drugs), Candida fungi can multiply enough to cause symptoms by spewing many toxins into the bloodstream and liver. It can affect many different parts of the body, causing either localized infections or overwhelming illness, depending on the patient and his or her underlying health.
Candidiasis can usually be found in exposed and most part of the body, such as the mouth and throat (called thrush), the vagina (usually called a yeast infection), and in the case of children, as diaper rash. Candidiasis can overwhelm the whole body, and in some people can result in not only stomach distress such as bloating and gas, but also in fatigue, depression, anxiety, skin eruptions, and immune system malfunction.

August 26, 2013


Posted in PARASITES, SYMPTOMS VIA YOU tagged , , , , , , , at 5:46 pm by PCOSLady


PCOS Lady:
A friend of mine made me aware of his ongoing medical/sleep condition today… The doctors said it was not Sleep Apnea, but could not say what he had! He has had it a year plus now… Has been through many tests, several doctors and specialists and been tested by sleep centers! He has a last sleep center to experience soon before trying the Arizona lab i speak highly of… I told him to list all his symptoms and visit my parasite list and Huma Worm…
~ http://www.ParasiteTesting.com

All tests showed nothing, most all doctors found nothing…

Only one doctor claims he needs surgery on his one nasal to clear it up…

~ He gets sleepy on many occasions during all hours…
~ He has bouts of cold like symptoms…
~ His bouts flare up and subside…
Sleep Disorders
Parasites, especially the ones that prefer to nest in the intestinal tract, can cause a host of sleep disorders such as insomnia. Parasites affect the nervous system as well, giving rise to sleep disorders. All through the night, the body is hard at work eliminating toxins through the liver. Parasites are known to upset this routine, changing the body’s rhythm. Some parasites cause a great deal of itching around the anal area, disrupting sleep and causing discomfort to the person.
Chronic Fatigue
There is no doubt that parasites deplete the body of vital nutrients leading to exhaustion at mental, physical and emotional levels. When parasites invade the body causing the mal-absorption of vitamins, minerals, fats and carbohydrates, the body is left drained of energy. This inevitably leads to acute exhaustion, depression, concentration difficulties and general apathy.
~ Most all sleep disorders and sleep problems are caused by “bad” parasites!
~ “Bad” parasites are most active during night hours!
~ Labs like Lab Corp and Quest, etc… can only check 40-50 types! 200,000 types exist!!!!
(Daa!!! No wonder labs are not finding them! Parasites are smart, they hide, they lay dormant, recycle in you needing a 2nd & 3rd testing)
SYMPTOMS Of Parasites – Humaworm
~ Huma Worm … SLEEP DISTURBANCES – The physical presence of the parasites themselves are a nuisance to the human body. The body reacts to them during periods of rest …
~ Why Am I Unhealthy … 10 key signs of knowing whether a parasite is present in the body
Sleep disorder parasite

Brain Eating Parasite

Posted in PARASITES tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 4:53 pm by PCOSLady

PCOS Lady:
The brain eating parasite i first heard of was seen in Africa like three to four years ago now! Dr Omar Amin owner of the Parasitology Center, www.ParasiteTesting.com in Arizona left the next morning after talking with me by cell phone… He was flying to Africa to study it… He told me the parasite gets in the body going right for the brain and killing them…
~ Dr Amin travels the world researching parasites…
That deadly parasite has reached the US!
I strongly urge you to get tested by this lab in Arizona!!!!!
~ They test for every “bad” parasite known in the world… www.parasitetesting.com
~ Lab Corp, Quest, etc… can only check for 40-50 types…
~ Military labs (2) only check for 200 types…
~ The NJ BioLab rep told me there are no “bad” parasites in the US and you can not get them in your mouth…
~ “Bad” parasites are in the US! (spoiling food, food with yeast, soil, water, air)
~ “Bad” parasites do reside in your mouth (Morgellons~NCS, mercury poisoning, dental ~ gels, solvents, metal, etc…)
~ 200,000 types of “bad” parasites exist, including yeast!
~ 85 – 90% of the US have “bad” parasites they are unaware of!
~ Only http://www.ParasiteTesting.com lab checks for all known to man in the world!
~ Doctors are not really or extensively trained on parasites especially “bad” parasites!
~ Most all skin disorders are caused by “bad” parasites!
~ Most all medical conditions are caused by “bad”parasites!
* Google: (your symptom) parasite … Then read and learn the truth!

** ALL your symptoms count!!! **
(The symptoms that do not overlap in other medical conditions dictate what you may have)
~ Most all doctors listen to a few symptoms, one strikes them and they diagnose you THAT!
~ SCENARIO:: YOU had a list of more symptoms they never considered! YOU are usually misdiagnosed ~ undiagnosed then prescribed the wrong thing which may make you worse or do nothing while the “beast” in side you advances!
* Note: Most symptoms overlap each other in medical conditions!
Brain-Eating Amoeba
* 28 cases reported in the US between 2003 – 2012…
* Almost always fatal…
* Only 2 survivors since 1950…
SIGNS and SYMPTOMS ~ Onset symptoms of infection start about five days (range is from one to seven days) after exposure.
~ Initial symptoms include, but are not limited to, changes in taste and smell, headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, and stiff neck.
~ Secondary symptoms include confusion, hallucinations, lack of attention, ataxia, and seizures.
~ After the start of symptoms, the disease progresses rapidly over three to seven days, with death occurring from seven to fourteen days after exposure.
It doesn’t happen often. But most summers, several Americans — usually healthy, young people — suffer sudden, tragic deaths from brain-eating amoeba.
Amoebas are single-celled organisms. The so-called brain-eating amoeba is a species discovered in 1965. It’s formal name is Naegleria fowleri. Although first identified in Australia, this amoeba is believed to have evolved in the U.S.
There are several species of Naegleria but only the fowleri species causes human disease. There are several fowleri subtypes. All are believed equally dangerous.
Naegleria loves very warm water. It can survive in water as hot as 113 degrees Fahrenheit.

These amoebas can be found in warm places around the globe. N. fowleri is found in:
~ Warm lakes, ponds, and rock pits
~ Mud puddles
~ Warm, slow-flowing rivers, especially those with low water levels
~ Untreated swimming pools and spas
~ Untreated well water or untreated municipal water
~ Hot springs and other geothermal water sources
~ Thermally polluted water, such as runoff from power plants
~ Aquariums
~ Soil, including indoor dust
Naegleria can’t live in salt water. It can’t survive in properly treated swimming pools or in properly treated municipal water.

Most cases of N. fowleri disease occur in Southern or Southwestern states. Over half of all infections have been in Florida and Texas.

N. fowleri is microscopic: 8 micrometers to 15 micrometers in size, depending on its life stage and environment. By comparison, a hair is 40 to 50 micrometers wide.
Brain-Eating Amoeba (Naegleria Fowleri): Causes and Symptoms
~ http://www.webmd.com/brain/brain-eating-amoeba … WebMD explains what a brain-eating amoeba is …
Naegleria fowleri – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
~ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naegleria_fowleri … Naegleria fowleri / n ə ˈ ɡ l ɪər i ə /, popularly known as the ” brain-eating amoeba”, is a free-living excavate form of protist typically found in warm bodies …
Brain-eating parasite kills nearly all its victims – CBS News …
~ CBS News video: Brain-eating parasite kills nearly all its victims – An outpouring of support was given to a 12-year-old Florida boy who contracted a …
Girl with brain-eating parasite treated with experimental …
~ Fox News … LITTLE ROCK, Ark – A 12-year-old girl from Arkansas who contracted a brain-eating parasite during a trip to a water park has improved slightly after …
(your symptom) parasite
brain eating parasite symptoms
brain eating parasite from water
brain eating parasite in warm water
brain eating parasite florida
brain eating parasite indiana
brain eating parasite in virginia
brain eating parasite lake
brain eating parasite 2012

August 14, 2013

Toxic Bugs In Your Belly?

Posted in BACTERIAL, PARASITES tagged , , , , , , , , at 8:24 pm by PCOSLady

PCOS Lady:
After all the medical research i have done and continue to do i am changing my diet for my health! At present doing 3 days meat and 4 days veggies ~ non meat days one week… Switching the next week, i stll love my meat! … Drinking more of good water… I have to rethink my hard boiled egg consumption now too…
Is Your Belly Infested With Toxic Bugs?
~ Bret Hall… Toxic Belly Bug Fix … Is Your Belly Infested With Toxic Bugs? …
FACT: 80% of your immune system is controlled in your stomach by gut flora!
FACT: Gut Bacteria Ratio ~ 85% good vs 15% bad
FACT: 170 different diseases occur from bad gut flora!
For a great gut flora an organic diet is “key”…
~ Anxious Feeling: eat macadamia nuts
~ Sad: eat a banana, has triptophan and serotonin
~ Moody: take B6
Gut Bacteria Byproduct Predicts Heart Attack and Stroke
~ Science Daily… Gut Bacteria Byproduct Predicts Heart Attack and Stroke… Apr. 24, 2013 — A microbial byproduct of intestinal bacteria contributes to heart disease and serves as an accurate screening tool for predicting future risks of heart attack, stroke and death in persons not otherwise identified by traditional risk factors and blood tests, according to Cleveland Clinic research published today in The New England Journal of Medicine.
All disease begins in the gut — The home of GutFlora.com and …
~ Gut Flora …‎ Mainstream media is slowly starting to pick up on the connection between gut bacteria and disease, and one of the best articles to date was published last month …
~ Wikipedia.org … Gut Flora … Jump to Inflammatory bowel disease. Some suspect that IBD is due to a reduction in immune tolerance and subsequent overreaction of …
‎Human microbiome – ‎Bacteroides – ‎List of human flora
~ Parasitology Center … Welcome to the Parasitology Center specializing in the diagnosis and management of parasites in humans by world renowned Parasitologist Dr. Omar M. Amin. Test for every known parasite known in the world!
gut flora diseases
toxic gut flora
gut flora diseases
intestinal bacteria disorder
gut flora in health and disease
intestinal microflora and metabolic diseases
bacterial imbalance

June 13, 2013


Posted in PARASITES tagged , , , , , , , , , , , at 11:35 pm by PCOSLady

~ ~ ~
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

Do you have Sleep Apnea or trouble sleeping?
~ You may indeed have it!
FACT: TMJ is caused by “bad” parasites!
~ But you will rarely ever hear this being the cause…
Do you experience;
~ headaches
~ dizziness
~ difficulty chewing
~ ear ringing
~ shoulder stiffness
~ limited opening of the jaw
~ jaw clicking
~ neck pain
~ tingling or numbness in the arms
~ teeth sensitive to cold
Causes of TMJ;

~ trauma to joints
~ cartilage wear and tear
~ dislocated disc clenching and grinding
~ arthritis
~ myofascial dysfunction
~ motor vehicle accident
This came off a dentist’s advertisement i received in June 2013… Take a look at the Morgellons symptoms at www.parasitetesting.com
You will see the overlapping on them… Almost identical to be honest!

May 23, 2013

Parasite vs Virus Difference

Posted in PARASITES tagged , , , , , at 10:11 pm by PCOSLady

PCOS Lady:
You now know viruses are parasites… They are complex which can explain why it is hard to treat many times… Can you remember when there were hardly any viruses in the US? Compare it to today and we have old ones, new ones and varying degrees of viruses too!
~ Microscopic you can’t see but sure will feel them and see their wrath!
Parasite vs Virus Difference
by whistle
What is the difference between a virus and a parasite? i know, probably a dumb question! lol
by Humaworm
No question is ever dumb. Viruses are different in that they have no single cell in their structure – they are parasites that do not themselves possess a cell.
In other words, viruses, rather than being cells that can only replicate upon entering another cell, viruses do not even possess a cell until they enter (infect) another cell.
I hope this is making sense – it is hard to explain. They are submicroscopic parasites that can replicate once they have invaded a cell – whereas other microscopic parasites are single cell structures to begin with.
I hope this helps!
parasite virus difference
submicroscopic parasites
microscopic parasites

May 19, 2013

Bugs, Super Bugs

Posted in PARASITES tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 7:03 pm by PCOSLady

~ Mayer Eisenstein MD,JD,MPH·150 videos … Bugs Do Not Like Acid… March 3, 2013 … Bugs & Super Bugs
Don’t reduce your acid!!!! Many times this natural treatment can help reduce the need for drugs like Nexium®, Prevacid®, Prilosac®, Tagamet®, Rolaids® or Tums® without the side effects associated with these and other acid reducing agents.
Do you suffer from Heartburn, Acid Reflux, IBS, or GERD?
Are you taking Nexium®, Prevacid®, Prilosac®, Tagamet®, Rolaids®, Tums®?
Are you aware of or have you experienced some of the potential side effects such as headache, diarrhea, upset stomach, constipation, hives, skin rash, itching, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, throat, tongue,lips, eyes, hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs? …
Mayer Eisenstein MD,JD,MPHMayer Eisenstein MD,JD,MPH·150 videos
Published on Mar 3, 2013
Don’t reduce your acid!!!!
~ Cure Zone … STORY: Brazil trip. Gastritis, Nexium, Bacteria overgrowth or bugs?
Hello everyone.
I’m very happy to be back home.
My trip to Brazil was a success. I was able to get diagnosed and treated properly. I also found out I have heartburn/stomach inflammation/gastritis and I think the parasite drugs made it much worse. Luckily I fixed some of this problem and the gastritis discomfort is mild since I’m careful with what I eat.
Unfortunately because of the gastritis I had to use another drug called Nexium (esomeprazole)for 8 weeks which gave me some anxiety and depression as a side effect. The depression and anxiety got much worse on the 7 and 8 week. In the 7th week I also started having quite low energy, I was drowsy, and having high pitch ring in my ears/head, digestion was not the greatest I had to go to the bathroom more then once a day which felt similar to my Amoeba/Giardia days :o(.
Luckily after I stopped taking Nexium my bad/dysfunctional depression and anxiety went mostly away :o))) but my energy levels and alertness are not as good as I was a couple of weeks ago in Brazil, the buzzing still happens and the digestion is still not great.
I’m not sure if I’m still having side effects from Nexium or if I have some Giardia and Amoeba left to kill. My last Giardia and Amoeba test where negative at Labion lab. Its also possible that I have bacteria overgrowth or yeast infection. I have read that drugs like Nexium can cause that.
I did an endoscopy to see why every time I eat foods with carbs or sugars I get a sour/lemon like taste after eating. Nexium was supposed to take care of this sour taste issue. Nexum helped with heartburn & acid burning throat but it did nothing for the sour taste. H.pylori was not found in the endoscopy test (since I had many false negative test results for parasites, I’m skeptical)
All my tests from MetaMetrix and Labion showed Enterococcus feacalis (from Labion) and non pathogenic E.coli. My last Labion test was negative for Giardia and Amoeba but positive for Enterococcus feacalis and non pathogenic E.coli.
I’m thinking of taking Xifaxan for e.coli
Any suggestions?
I hope my parasite story is going to be over soon.
Thank you!
Read the replies at … http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1654932

Symptoms ~ Misc….

Posted in PARASITES, SYMPTOMS tagged , , , , , , at 6:54 pm by PCOSLady

~ ~ ~
PCOS Lady:
Symptoms here are mine and from others i find from online, in person, medical references, etc…
You may experience them or know some one that has…
Bluish-purple nail bed
~ Wikipedia … Bluish or purple fingernail beds may be a symptom of peripheral cyanosis, which indicates oxygen deprivation…
~ Guns Germs & Steel: Variables… The parasites responsible for endemic tropical germs, however, are far more … causes anemia and organ malfunction through iron and oxygen deprivation…
The viruses found in the cooler parts of the planet have evolved to benefit from seasonal variations in temperature. Influenza is one such virus, which thrives during the winter, when humans are forced together into confined spaces. Tropical diseases are luckier: they thrive year-’round in the heat and humidity of their region. These diseases exist at a fairly constant level, and are therefore known as endemic.
A virus such as influenza is one of the simplest biological organisms on earth – it’s little more than a strain of DNA. The parasites responsible for endemic tropical germs, however, are far more complex – they are tiny animals which are born and multiply inside the metabolic system of another creature. Parasites responsible for some of the nastiest diseases of the tropical world include trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), schistosomiasis ( blood flukes), parasitic worms and, most deadly of all, malaria.
~ … Because environmental conditions have a large effect on an organism’s physiology, responses to stressors like nutrient limitation, temperature, oxygen deprivation, predation, and parasite/pathogen infection are likely to be context dependent.
Mexico is loaded with “bad” parasites… A doctor from there made me aware of the problem… Her family is still there… Blindness is a symptom of parasites…
~ I cover them in my blog: https://pcoslady.wordpress.com/category/parasites-2/
Bluish-purple nail bed
oxygen deprivation parasites

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